Human Resources Internship in Vietnam

Human Resources Internship in Vietnam

HR department makes up the backbone of any organization.

No matter what industry it is, companies always have this need to hire resources that are a right fit for their needs.

It is the HR professionals who have to undertake the onus of recruiting the right people and building up a great workforce for the company.

As an HR professional you’ll find work opportunities in practically every type of organization, and that’s the beauty and allure of this profession.

If you’ve been thinking about pursuing HR field as a career choice, an internship would be a great place to start from.

Go for international HR internship in Vietnam to explore your interest in HR sector more deeply.

Offering great on-the-job training, international HR internship in Vietnam allows you to live the life of a HR professional for a couple of weeks.

From the assignments that you are asked to complete to the insights you gain from watching other HR professionals work, everything about international HR internship in Vietnam is going to put you in touch with the real-world dynamics of an HR department.

When you look for and eventually start a full-time job in HR industry, this internship experience would prove to be extremely valuable and advantageous for you.

Because this international internship in Vietnam is so unique in nature and structure, it being on your resume would give you a clear edge over the competition in job market.

5 Qualities to Bring to Your International HR Internship in Vietnam

Once you are clear about what you want out of your international HR internship in Vietnam, turn your focus on what the internship demands of you, or more specifically what qualities do employers look for in their HR interns.

This knowledge is essential to have if you want to deliver according to the expectations.

Here is a round-up of key qualities that you should be able to demonstrate during your international HR internship in Vietnam.

1. Excellent Communication Skills

HR professionals have a lot of communication to take care of.

Whether it’s interviewing candidates, conducting induction training sessions for new employees, or discussing and solving the grievances of employees, the ability to speak softly yet assertively is an important communication skill to have for an HR professional.

It’s not only about speaking, but also about being able to listen to others with patience.

Keep your communication skills sharp and ready for international HR internship in Vietnam.

Because you’ll be working in a new, different cultural environment, good communication skills would become all the more important for you.

2. Smooth Planner and Organizer

Be prepared to tackle various responsibilities throughout international Vietnam internship.

Don’t worry about making a mistake as you juggle between these duties, because as an intern you are allowed to err here and there along the way of learning.

But if you want to keep these incidences to a minimum, you can try and become better at planning and organizing your assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Get in the habit of maintaining a to-do checklist.

Keep your work space tidy and uncluttered.

Spend some time in the morning to plan the day ahead.

3. Eager and Teachable

Companies always love to have interns who are open to being taught and guided.

While being teachable may seem like a simple quality to have, it’s actually more complicated in practice.

Many times we have these rigid assumptions about how certain things should be done and how certain situations should be handled.

We feel uncomfortable deviating from these when told or asked to do otherwise.

If you walk into international Vietnam internship with such inflexible notions, this could prevent your colleagues and seniors at work from teaching you something new effectively.

Remember, people are willing to teach you only as long as you are equally willing to learn and adapt.

4. Problem-Solving Ability

Problems and conflicts are nothing new in the life of an HR professional.

They arise frequently and need to be dealt with immediately too.

Here you are not only dealing with your own professional challenges, but also the challenges that other employees come to you with.

International Vietnam internship would give you a close view of what problems an HR executive typically faces.

In fact, working through the internship you may get to experience some of these problems first-hand.

You need to have solid critical thinking and problem solving skills to be able to find suitable resolution for the minor conflicts and problems that you encounter during your international HR internship in Vietnam.

5. Spirit of Initiative

If you always wait to be told what to do, then it’s time you change the habit for your international HR internship Vietnam.

Your work may not always be cut out for you.

Sometimes you have to go out of your way to see where you are needed and offer your help.

Don’t think of yourself as only an intern who has to worry about a limited set of responsibilities and nothing else.

Be observant towards things that lie outside of your immediate scope of work too.

If you find an area where you can be useful, extend a helping hand.

HR Sector in Vietnam

The growing economy of Vietnam lays down a prolific ground for diverse businesses and their HR departments.

In addition to businesses where there is an obvious need for HR departments, there are also many HR consulting firms in Vietnam that provide professional HR consultation and recruitment services.

There is no shortage of talent pool in the country, it is only a matter of finding the best candidates.

It’s no wonder that the role of HR is consistently becoming more important in Vietnam.

With new enterprises venturing in Vietnam’s market and enterprises undergoing expansions, HR industry in Vietnam is enjoying a great boost.

International HR internship in Vietnam is an excellent way to learn the practical aspects of different HR functions, like employee relations, hiring and on-boarding, performance evaluation, office administration, payroll management, training and development, etc.

Learn more about our internships!

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